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Queer Autumn Cinema: Přijďte na další filmy do LGBT+ komunitního centra


Dlouhé tmavé podzimní večery jsou jako stvořené k tomu jít do kina. A jaké inkluzivnější a víc queer friendly kino v Praze najdete, než je to naše v LGBT+ Komunitním centru! Celý podzim až do Vánoc tady na vás čekají klasiky neodmyslitelně spjaté s historií LGBT+ kinematografie, ale i čerstvé novinky. 

Přijďte trávit pondělky s Marianne & Héloise, Dr. Frank N. Furter, Carol nebo Tobim. Projekcemi nepřímo navážeme na filmové večery z letošního jara. Podzimní queer kino se bude lišit tím, že filmy budou s vždy s angličtinou a tedy přístupné i lidem z ciziny. V LGBT+ komunitním centru vítáme všechny. 

Začínáme 26. září v 19:30. 

Všechny filmy jsou v anglickém znění či s anglickými titulky.

Vstupné je dobrovolné a bude celé použito na provoz LGBT+ Komunitního centra.

Na každý film je třeba si předem rezervovat místo, protože kapacita našeho sálu je omezená. Místo si rezervujete „koupí“ vstupenky na GoOut.net za 0 Kč.

Projekt byl podpořen Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. / This event has been supported by Rosa Luxemburg Foundation.


Program Queer podzimního kina

Portrait of a lady on fire

26. 9. 2022, 19:30–22:00

Francouzské znění s anglickými titulky

Bretagne, France, 1760. Marianne, a talented painter, is commissioned to go to a manor house on an isolated island to paint a wedding portrait of Héloise, a young girl from a wealthy family who has just left the convent to marry in Milan at her mother's request. Héloise defies the arranged marriage by refusing to have her portrait taken, so Marianne plays the role of hired companion and paints her subject from memory in the evenings. The mutual attraction between the two girls gradually grows, intensified by the approaching end of freedom. (Artcam Films)

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And Then We Danced

10. 10. 2022, 19:30–22:00

Gruzijské znění s anglickými titulky

Merab is part of the national ensemble of traditional dances, where young girls and boys express the soul of the nation through movement. And it stands on Orthodoxy, traditional gender roles and family values. There is no room for any differences. Not only the strict rules of dance, but also the rigid-minded society affect the life of a hard-training young man whose dream is to perform abroad. But when Irakli shows up at training, Merab's world is shaken to its foundations... He is facing a new rival and at the same time he is confronted with an intoxicating attraction to another man. (Queer kino)

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24. 10. 2022, 19:30–22:00

Finské, švédské a anglické znění s anglickými titulky

Helsinki, 1945. The end of the war brings painter Tove Jansson a sense of artistic and social freedom. While she focused her artistic dreams on painting, the enchanting stories of creatures called 'Moomins' that she told to terrified children in bomb shelters quickly took on a life of their own, bringing international fame and financial freedom. Her desire for freedom is put to the test when she meets theater director Vivica Bandler, who sparks an electrifying and absorbing love in her. (Film Europe)

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The Rocky Horror Picture Show

31. 10. 2022, 19:30–22:00

Anglické znění s českými titulky

Newly engaged Brad and Janet get stuck on a stormy night in front of a barrier marking the end of the road. They remember seeing an ancient castle on the way and decide to seek help there. When they arrive, a man with a pale face, thinning hair and dark red circles under his eyes greets them and asks them to enter. So the young couple finds themselves at the decadent party of the master of the house - Dr. Frank-N-Furter, transvestite from transsexual Transylvania and apparently not very sane scientist. He introduces them to his latest creation, a shapely blond Rocky, which he created for his own pleasure. (AČFK)

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28. 11. 2022, 19:30–22:00

Anglické znění s českými titulky

When graphic designer Oliver meets free-spirited Anna shortly after his father's death, he realizes that he is a complete novice when it comes to long term romantic relationships. Only when he remembers his father who, after the death of his wife of 45 years, told him that he was homosexual and lived the rest of his life as a wild party, Oliver feels the desire to give a chance to the emerging serious relationship. (Distributor's official text)

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Colors of Tobi

5. 12. 2022, 19:30–22:00

Maďarské znění s anglickými titulky

There is a small village in Hungary where Éva and her family live. Her sixteen-year-old child is trans and lives under the chosen name of Tobi. After the initial shock, the whole family comes together to support him. However, Éva is quietly suffocating on the thought of losing the girl she raised. Tobi is determined to become biologically male, all while dealing with the issues of puberty. Éva tries her best to be the mother her son needs, while Tobi begins to question the boundaries he has set for himself as a trans man. (kinosvetozor.cz)

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19. 12. 2022, 19:30–22:00

Anglické znění s českými titulky

Carol shows a love story, the subtlety and depth of one captivating love. Carol, a well-off and always elegant lady, meets a young saleswoman in a department store. But the banal meeting and the difference in the social status of the two women suddenly do not exist, both are surprised by an immediate mutual affection. The innocence of their first meeting soon fades and their relationship ignites into a scorching love affair. However, Carol is a married woman and mother, and in 1950s America, a relationship between two women was socially unacceptable and outlawed. (Etiquette film )

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Prague Pride z. s. 

Rybná 716/24 
110 00 Praha 1 
Česká republika

IČO 22842730 

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